During a routine eye exam, you’ll receive a range of comprehensive tests in order to make sure that your eyes are healthy and working properly. In addition to that, your doctor will also evaluate your current prescription for vision correction and make sure that it is still working for you. If you haven’t had your eyes examined in a while, or just want to know more, here is what you can expect to experience during an eye exam:
1) A check of your overall eye health
Usually, your doctor will start an exam by asking you some questions about your current health. In particular, they’ll want to know about any vision issues you might be experiencing. If you are having trouble seeing far away or up close, or your eyes are prone to redness or dryness, they’ll want to know about that right away. From there, they’ll use different instruments to look into your eyes. Some machines use light to allow us to see more clearly into your eye. Other equipment contains microscopes so that they can magnify different parts of your eyeball, ensuring accurate diagnoses.
2) A check of your vision
Next, your doctor will check your vision without your corrective lenses, and then with your corrective lenses on if you need them. They’ll want to evaluate how well you see with and without your vision correction. They might have you read a letter chart, or read words as a way to ensure your vision is tested accurately.
3) A check of your eye coordination and movements
After that, your eye doctor will make sure your eyes are working together properly and that your eye muscles are balanced. Staring at screens, as most of us do all day, can throw your eye muscles off balance so it is important to do this check. This coordinate is evaluated through different tests where you answer questions about what you see on a screen, board or chart.
If you have a more specific eye issue, or you’re over a certain age, you might need more specific tests like a glaucoma test. For most examinations your eyes don’t need to be dilated- only if a better look inside of your eye is needed. Eye exams are painless and easy, and an important part of your routine health care! Make sure you get your eyes examined every year for optimal health.
If you’ve received your new prescription and would like a stylish pair of new glasses to match, we are here! Contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or OpticalShopofWestport@gmail.com to make your appointment.