Eye Healthy Foods to Enjoy this Thanksgiving

The holidays are a special time of year, where we gather with loved ones and enjoy a nice meal. For Thanksgiving, there are a lot of eye healthy foods to choose from. Fall foods offer a variety of nutritious and delicious options. When you are planning out your Thanksgiving menu, or deciding on a side dish to bring to someone else’s festivities, make sure to incorporate some of these foods:

  1. Cranberries

When you think of Thanksgiving, cranberry sauce comes to mind  as a staple side dish on the table. Among other berries and citrus fruits, the antioxidants and nutrients in cranberries can help to prevent diabetes and the eye issues associated with diabetes, cataracts, and macular degeneration. So don’t skip the cranberry sauce on your Thanksgiving plate- it will do wonders for your eye health!

2. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are a crowd favorite during the fall season, and for good reason- they are packed with the powerhouse nutrient Vitamin A, which is essential in your diet to protect your vision. It also helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration. The same goes for other orange-hued fall foods such as sweet potatoes and carrots. Make sure to add one of these nutritious foods to your Thanksgiving menu!

3. Leafy Greens

When your mom told you to eat your greens, she was onto something! Spinach, kale and even broccoli contain carotenoids which help protect your eyes in many ways, including from harmful UV rays. Prepare a tasty harvest salad to kick off your meal, and reap the benefits to your vision! 

One of the best things about the holidays is the food- and an added bonus is the benefit to your eyes. So enjoy your delicious Thanksgiving feast guilt free- and if you’re looking for some stylish glasses to spark conversation at your holiday gatherings, come visit us at the Optical Shop! Contact us (203) 222-7870 or OpticalShopofWestport@gmail.com to make an appointment.