The Pros and Cons of Contacts and Glasses

If you require vision correction, you have a few options available to you: contact lenses or glasses. Some people have a strong preference for one over the other, and others wear both interchangeably depending on the situation. There’s no right or wrong answer- opting for glasses or contacts should be a decision that is based on personal preference and your lifestyle. In this blog post, we will outline some basic pros and cons to both contacts and glasses, so you can pick your eyewear with confidence!

Pros and Cons of Contacts

Pro: They produce a more natural field of vision. Contact lenses provide a more “seamless” field of vision because they sit on the surface of your eye. There won’t be any visual disruptions like you get with glasses, such as reflections, scratches or fogginess.  

Pro: They stay out of the way during activities and sports. If you are active and need vision correction during your activities, contact lenses are a great solution. They will stay in place during the most vigorous of activities or sports, and you’ll be able to see the entire time!

Con: They require more discipline in their care, cleaning and storage. For your eye safety and health, it’s important to take proper care of your contacts. You have to store them in solution inside a case overnight, and clean them before and after you wear them. If you wear daily disposables, it’s a little easier, but you still have to ensure you have a steady supply and don’t run out. 

Con: Using them can be intimidating for some, and requires a learning curve. Learning how to put in, and take out contacts can be challenging at first because it requires touching your eye. However, you will get used to it with practice, but this deters some from even trying contacts!

Pros and Cons of Glasses

Pro: They’re easy to wear and last a long time. Glasses are very straightforward- put them on your face, and you’re good to go. They also last a long time with proper care which makes them a cost-effective investment. 

Pro: They are stylish and customizable. Glasses can serve as a companion piece to an outfit, or a fashion statement all on their own. They are also very customizable- there are an abundance of options for lenses and frames to choose from. There are a pair of glasses out there for everyone!

Con: They don’t cover your entire field of vision and can get dirty easily. Even though glasses sit at the front of your eyes, they don’t entirely encompass your periphery. Also, if your lenses get scratched or get dirty, that can compromise your vision and become annoying- something you can prevent by cleaning your glasses often, and properly. 

Con: They’re more expensive to replace if damaged or lost. Having a single pair of glasses means you’ll have to buy new ones if they get lost or broken beyond repair. This is why we recommend having a backup pair of glasses in case anything happens, and to make sure to take care of your glasses and keep track of them at all times!

If you are on Team Glasses and interested in finding a new pair, we’re here for you at the Optical Shop of Westport! We can help you with all of your eyewear needs. Contact us by calling (203) 222-7870 or emailing us to make an appointment! We look forward to helping you.

A Few Eyewear Trends to Try in 2023

Nowadays, there are more options than ever before when it comes to eyewear. Eyewear is crucial for everyday life for a lot of us- we rely on our glasses to help us see, and sunglasses to protect our eyes in the sun. Like with any other fashion accessory, eyewear trends come and go. Clear frames, big oversized frames, and circular Harry Potter style frames had their moment in 2022- so what’s new for 2023? If you’re looking to change up your style this year and need some inspiration, look no further! We’ll review a few eyewear trends and feature corresponding frames that we have here at the Optical Shop that you can try.

The Retro Angular Frames

This is a really fun style to try! We love the geometric design of these frames and their retro feel. They make a statement and really add a lot to an outfit. You will definitely get noticed wearing these! We recommend coming into the shop and giving them a try- you might be surprised at how much you like them.

The Athletic Inspired Frames

Here is a classic style that is very practical and works in a variety of different situations! More and more people are wearing sporty eyewear in their everyday lives, due to their style and functionality. Ray Bans look good on everyone and are essential to anyone’s eyewear collection!

The Glasses with a Tint

This trend isn’t as much about the frames as it is about the lenses. A hint of color in the lenses adds something special to your look and can make you stand apart from a crowd. We love this cool tinted pair of glasses- you can choose whatever color tint looks best on you! Don’t be afraid to experiment with color and have fun!

If you’re inspired by one of these eyewear trends for 2023 and want to get a new pair of glasses or sunglasses- we’re here for you at the Optical Shop of Westport! We can help you with all of your eyewear needs. Contact us by calling (203) 222-7870 or emailing us to make an appointment! We look forward to helping you.

4 Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Spring

With the arrival of Spring’s warmer weather and blossoming trees, the urge to get out of the house and spend more time outside is strong! There is so much to do outside this time of year- sports, exercise, and recreation activities alike. However, common eye conditions that occur in the spring might prevent you from enjoying the sun and outdoors as much as you’d like to. In this blog post, we will share 4 tips to help protect your eyes this spring so you can get out there and enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine!

1. Do a Deep Clean of Your Living Space

Doing a deep cleaning of your home or living space every week, if possible, will help you avoid exposure to pollen and other eye irritants. This is particularly important if you have a dog, who can track more dirt and pollen inside with them. Take the time to vacuum, wipe down surfaces and mop the floors. You can also use an air purifier to get rid of airborne particles. This will help minimize any hypersensitivity your eyes might be experiencing. 

2. Wear Sunglasses When Outside

The best way to enjoy sunny days outside is to wear sunglasses with adequate UV protection in them. Sunglasses will help shield your eyes from harmful UV rays and minimize the brightness of the sun. You can get sunglasses with or without prescription lenses- if you need sunglasses with your prescription in them, we can take care of that for you here at the Optical Shop! We carry both prescription and non-prescription sunglasses. To further enhance your sun protection, use sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat when spending time outside.

3. Wash Your Hands Regularly

Washing your hands frequently throughout the day has several benefits, but it can also help protect your eyes from pollen and other allergens. Many people rub their eyes or touch their eyes without thinking everyday, which can transfer whatever is on your hands into your eyes. So keep your hands clean, especially after gardening or spending time outdoors!

4. Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Healthy Diet

The benefits of good hydration and nutrition cannot be underestimated! By drinking plenty of water, your body can flush out any particles or allergens you might come in contact with, keeping your eyes moisturized and healthy. Also, eating more fruits and vegetables can provide essential micronutrients to protect your eye health, which becomes even more important in the spring and summer. 

If you’re looking to get new sunglasses for the spring and summer, or need help with your daily pair- we’re here for you at the Optical Shop of Westport! We can help you with all of your eyewear needs. Contact us by calling (203) 222-7870 or emailing us to make an appointment! We look forward to helping you.

What to Expect When Adjusting to New Glasses

If you’ve been wearing glasses for a long time, you know that it can take a while to adjust to a new pair of glasses. It can take a few days or even longer to fully adjust your eyes to the new glasses. Just like breaking in a new pair of shoes, it takes time for glasses to feel natural and normal in your day to day life. In this blog post, we will review the symptoms you might experience while adjusting to new glasses and some tips that may help you get used to them quicker. 

Symptoms of Adjusting to New Glasses

When you get new glasses, especially if there was a change to your prescription, your brain and eyes are learning to work with your new prescription to give you clearer vision. This could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on how much the prescription changed and other factors. Here are some common symptoms people experience when wearing new glasses:

  • Difficulty focusing 

  • Eye strain

  • Mild visual distortions- the “fishbowl” effect

  • Dizziness

  • Mild headaches

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, they should be relatively mild and improve as time goes on and you get used to the new glasses. If any of these symptoms persist longer than a few weeks, see your optician!

A Few Tips to Adjust Quickly to Your New Glasses

Although there is no “quick fix” to adjusting to new glasses, here are some things you can do to make the process a bit easier:

  • Make sure your frames fit correctly- we can check this here at the Optical Shop!

  • Wear your glasses consistently- at least for an hour or more daily.

  • Stop wearing the old glasses- it will confuse your eyes and brain!

  • If it’s been more than a few weeks and you’re still experiencing issues, have your prescription re-evaluated- it may have to be adjusted.

If you’re looking to get new glasses this year, we can help with that! We will make sure your new glasses fit properly and you’re on your way to improved vision and style. Just contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment! We look forward to helping you.

3 Ways to Optimize Your Makeup Look While Wearing Glasses

Do you have a pair of glasses that you wear all the time, but you also want to wear makeup and you’re not sure how the two can mix together? It’s a common misconception that makeup and glasses clash with one another- that you wouldn’t be able to see a smoky eye behind a pair of glasses. In our opinion, that’s just not true- there’s no reason your makeup routine needs to change just because you wear glasses. However, there are some ways that you can change how you apply and use makeup to enhance your comfort or even compliment your glasses:

Take the Time to Prepare Your Skin

Anyone who has worn makeup has certainly experienced their glasses slipping down their nose and smudging their foundation as a result. It’s important to prepare your skin before you apply foundation with a good face primer and potentially an eye primer as well. Also avoid putting too much foundation on the bridge of your nose- you don’t want to get foundation all over your glasses! It’s also important to use a setting spray once you’ve completed your makeup application- this will help prevent smudges and also keep your makeup in place, especially in your eye and nose area. 

Manage Your Eyelashes

Long eyelashes are pretty, but can also brush up against the lenses of your glasses and become quite annoying over time. Managing the length of your eyelashes will be key to your comfort, and also curling your eyelashes before you put on mascara. This will point your eyelashes upwards and help keep them away from touching your lenses. Smudge proof and waterproof mascara can also help prevent smudging. 

Ensure Your Glasses Fit Properly

This seems fairly obvious, but it’s very important! If your glasses do not fit properly, they might cast odd shadows across your face. This will impact how your makeup looks, so you want to make sure that your glasses are adjusted so they are not too tight or too loose on your face. If you’re not sure whether your glasses need to be adjusted, just visit us at the Optical Shop and we will be happy to help!

If you’re looking to get your glasses adjusted, or get new ones, we can help with that! Just contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment! We look forward to helping you.

3 Ways to Optimize Your Eye Health in 2023

With 2023 well underway, many of us are hard at work on our New Year’s Resolutions, and improving your health might be one of them. You might think there’s no such thing as “age-proofing” your eyesight- but there are ways you can help reduce the rate at which your eyes age. Focusing on these three areas of protection for your eyes will benefit your overall health, so it’s a win-win! Read below to learn more about three ways that you can optimize your eye health in 2023 and beyond:

  1. Good Nutrition: It might seem obvious, but focusing on good nutrition is critical to improving your eye health. When choosing what to eat throughout the day, make sure you’re getting the nutrients that your eyes need to stay healthy. Choose foods rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, and omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. If needed, there are even supplements out there designed to directly support eye health- check with your doctor and optometrist to see if this would be right for you. 

  2. Regular Exercise: Regular exercise is helpful across the board for your overall health, but it’s also essential for keeping your vision from diminishing. One study of more than 15,000 people discovered that people who exercised and drank occasionally had less vision loss over a 20 year period than people who did not exercise and did not drink. This finding outlines the importance of exercise, without a doubt. Find a workout routine that you enjoy and can stick with- whether it’s yoga, running, weight lifting, or any other form of exercise. 

  3. Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Intake: If you smoke tobacco, there’s never a better time to quit than now! Smoking tobacco increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), cataracts, glaucoma and more. It’s also common knowledge that alcohol can impact your vision during use. The long term effects of alcohol consumption can increase your risk of eye disease as well. Limiting your intake of alcohol, or stopping altogether, will greatly enhance your eye health and overall health in the long run.

Working on making these healthy changes to your life in 2023 is a sound investment in your eye health going forward. Whether you are young, or older, it’s never too late to prioritize your health and do what you can to prevent disease now. We hope this helps you to make 2023 your healthiest year yet!

If you want to get better glasses in 2023, we can help with that! Just contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or OpticalShopofWestport@gmail.comto make an appointment! We will give you a customized recommendation on what glasses would flatter you the most!

A Guide on Choosing Glasses To Flatter Your Face Shape

When choosing a new pair of glasses, it can be hard to determine what kind of frames would look best with your particular face and face shape. Don’t worry, there’s a perfect pair of glasses for everyone and we can help you find the perfect match. We will also go over the different face shapes and how to figure out which one is yours. 

So, what is my face shape?

You can determine what your face shape is by looking in the mirror and doing the following: find the widest part of your face (you can do this by sight or use a tape measure). If you have a wide forehead, your face shape is oval; if your cheekbones are the widest point, your face is either round or heart shaped. If you have even proportions, your face is likely square. Then, determine the shape of your jaw- if it’s shorter/rounder, your face is round. If it’s pointy and narrow, your face is heart-shaped. 

Glasses for oval faces:

The oval face shape will look good with most frame shapes, particularly oversized and wide frames. With an oval face shape, feel free to go bold with a funky color, texture or frame shape. Square, trapezoid, tortoise and rectangular- the possibilities are endless! Our only suggestion is to stay away from narrow frames and frames with heavy design elements.

Glasses for square faces:

Square faces often have bold, angular features and cut a clean, straight line from the forehead to the jaw. To draw focus to your strongest features, choose a rounded, rather than angular frame. A round or oval eyeglass frame will soften as well as add contrast to your angular features. Rimless and semi-rimless styles are also a great idea.

Glasses for round faces:

Round faces feature soft curves and smooth lines, with a face that is roughly the same width from the jaw up through to the brow. Aim to select frames that work to add angles- try styles with bold, angular details and clean lines. Sharpen your softer features with rectangular frames and ensure the bottom of the glasses hit right above your cheekbones.

Glasses for heart-shaped faces:

This face shape is typically thought of as the most versatile of all the face shapes. Heart-shaped faces look great in winged-out frames like a modified Wayfarer shape, or oval shape frames that draw attention upward towards your eyes.

If you want some additional assistance figuring out what glasses would look best on you, contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment! We will give you a customized recommendation on what glasses would flatter you the most!

How to Take Care of Your Eyewear Properly

Once you invest in a beautiful, customized pair of glasses- it’s important to make sure you are taking care of your glasses in the best way possible to protect your investment (and your vision)! However, most of us loyal glasses-wearers often cut corners when it comes to eyewear care, cleaning our lenses off with the corner of our shirt or a tissue nearby. Here are some easy ways to take care of your glasses that will ensure they stay in great condition for years to come:

Use a microfiber cloth to clean your lenses

It may seem easier or more convenient to clean your glasses with your shirt or other material nearby, but you could be doing some serious damage to your lenses! Materials that are not intended to clean glasses can easily scratch your lenses. Materials with oils or dirt on them, such as your t-shirt, can also cause your lenses to get dirtier than they were before. Get yourself a microfiber cloth intended to clean lenses. Just please wash your microfiber cloth weekly to protect your lenses from scratching. If the cloth is dirty it won’t clean your glasses and could potentially scratch your lenses. If you need a microfiber cloth, we offer them free of charge at the shop, just stop by!

Go to your local optician for regular tuneups for your glasses

If your glasses are feeling a little loose, or don’t fit as well as they did when you first got them, it’s important to get them adjusted to maintain their quality and integrity. Make an appointment with your local optician, or come to the Optical Shop and we’ll do a tuneup on your glasses so that they continue helping you to see as best you can. Just like your car needs regular oil changes, your glasses need some maintenance too! 

Since it’s the holiday season, if you are looking for the perfect gift for the glasses-wearer or sunglasses lover in your life, consider getting them a gift certificate here at the Optical Shop! We carry a wide range of glasses and sunglasses for the entire family. Sunglasses are available with and without a prescription. Also, by purchasing a gift certificate from us, you will  be supporting a local small business, which we truly appreciate. We also provide microfiber cleaning clothes and glasses cases free of charge, complimentary to our loyal customers. 

Vist the Optical Shop, contact us at (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment and we will help you select the perfect gift!

Eye Healthy Foods to Enjoy this Thanksgiving

The holidays are a special time of year, where we gather with loved ones and enjoy a nice meal. For Thanksgiving, there are a lot of eye healthy foods to choose from. Fall foods offer a variety of nutritious and delicious options. When you are planning out your Thanksgiving menu, or deciding on a side dish to bring to someone else’s festivities, make sure to incorporate some of these foods:

  1. Cranberries

When you think of Thanksgiving, cranberry sauce comes to mind  as a staple side dish on the table. Among other berries and citrus fruits, the antioxidants and nutrients in cranberries can help to prevent diabetes and the eye issues associated with diabetes, cataracts, and macular degeneration. So don’t skip the cranberry sauce on your Thanksgiving plate- it will do wonders for your eye health!

2. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are a crowd favorite during the fall season, and for good reason- they are packed with the powerhouse nutrient Vitamin A, which is essential in your diet to protect your vision. It also helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration. The same goes for other orange-hued fall foods such as sweet potatoes and carrots. Make sure to add one of these nutritious foods to your Thanksgiving menu!

3. Leafy Greens

When your mom told you to eat your greens, she was onto something! Spinach, kale and even broccoli contain carotenoids which help protect your eyes in many ways, including from harmful UV rays. Prepare a tasty harvest salad to kick off your meal, and reap the benefits to your vision! 

One of the best things about the holidays is the food- and an added bonus is the benefit to your eyes. So enjoy your delicious Thanksgiving feast guilt free- and if you’re looking for some stylish glasses to spark conversation at your holiday gatherings, come visit us at the Optical Shop! Contact us (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment.

3 Reasons You Should Continue Wearing Your Sunglasses in the Fall

The arrival of the fall season is often marked by crisp, cool temperatures, warm sweaters, and pumpkin spice lattes. However, we would encourage you to add a good quality pair of sunglasses with UV protection to that list! Why should sunglasses be an important part of your fall wardrobe? Your eyes still need protection from the sun even during overcast, cloudy days. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t put away your sunglasses just yet:

  1. The Position of the Sun

While we might squint more during those summer days when the sun is out and in our faces, the sunlight’s path to the eyes is actually more direct in the fall. This is because the sun sits closer to the horizon in the fall, which places our eyes at greater risk for overexposure to UV rays. 

  1. Changing Temperatures

The temperature swing from the heat of the summer to the cool weather of the fall can cause your eyes to become dry, red or watery. The colder the air, the stiffer and thicker the eyes’ tear oils become. Because these tears don’t spread as evenly over the surface of the eyes, they struggle to provide sufficient protection and moisture. You can combat this effect by wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from cool winds!

  1. Increased Sun Glare 

Because the sun is positioned at a lower angle in the fall, it can produce a harsh glare that can present danger while driving. Rays of light that reflect off of smooth surfaces like the metal of nearby cars can be so bright, they are almost blinding. Continue wearing your sunglasses while driving to protect your eyes from fall sun glares!

Sunglasses aren’t just for the summer- continue wearing your sunglasses year-round to protect your eyes! If you’re looking for advice about a new pair of high-quality sunglasses for the fall, with or without prescription lenses, come visit us at the Optical Shop. Contact us (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment.

How to Prevent Eye Injuries at Work: Eye Protection Tips

It’s estimated that nearly one million Americans have had their eyesight negatively impacted by an eye injury that happened at work. While a large majority of workplace eye injuries can be avoided by following the proper safety protocol, accidents still happen and it’s important to be educated about best practices when it comes to protecting your eye safety at work. Here are some ways you can prevent workplace eye injuries:

  1. Get regular eye exams 

Make sure that you get your annual checkup at the eye doctor! Undiagnosed and untreated vision problems are a common cause of accidents. With routine eye exams, your eye doctor  can often detect vision problems before you have even experienced any symptoms or had any issues. Keep your eyes healthy and strong to give yourself the best chance to avoid eye injuries!

2. Follow the safety protocol of your workplace

In certain work environments where there is more risk to your safety, specific eyewear is mandated. Protective eyewear should meet Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements. These regulations are important and key to avoiding workplace eye injuries. Make sure you are familiar with your workplace’s eye safety policies and follow them faithfully!

3. Get proper treatment after an eye injury

Accidents happen, and if you suffer an eye injury at work, make sure you understand the first-aid procedures to follow after the accident and make an appointment to see your eye doctor. Even if you think the injury was minor and didn’t cause damage, being seen by an eye doctor will help detect even the most minor problem that may impact your vision over time. 

At the Optical Shop, we can help protect your eyes with our large assortment of glasses for all lifestyles. Contact us (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment.

Has Your Child Had an Eye Exam? Here is Why it’s Important.

The month of August is a busy one for parents of school-aged children: replacing clothes they’ve outgrown, scheduling immunizations, and going through lists of school supplies to ensure they are ready for the classroom. 

Did you know that over 80% of what a child learns is through what they see, yet over 86% of children have never had an eye exam?

Adding a back to school eye exam into your schedule this August is a great way to ensure your child is getting the most out of the classroom and is set up for a successful school year. 

Uncorrected or insufficiently corrected vision can lead to an accelerated rate of progression in a child’s nearsightedness- it’s important that they are able to see the teacher at the front of the room and the chalkboard without straining their eyes.

If your child hasn’t had an eye exam in a while- or ever- we highly recommend scheduling one with an eye doctor near you! Try to get an appointment before the school year begins so you can get them set up with glasses, if they need them. August is a great month to ensure your child is up to date on their health examinations.

So if your child does need glasses- what kind should you get for them? Children’s glasses can be made with impact-resistant materials to protect their eyes in the event of a playground mishap or accident. We would recommend considering polycarbonate, which can withstand scratches a bit better than other materials and is more impact-resistant. Also, be sure to avoid cheap glass or plastic lenses! 

When it’s time to get glasses for your child, come and see us here at the Optical Shop! We carry a great selection of frames for children and also offer bespoke frames for a one-of-a-kind fit. 

At the Optical Shop, we can help you select the right frames for your child from our amazing selection. Contact us (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment.

Can Blue Light Blocking Glasses Help You Get Better Sleep?

Chances are, you have probably heard of blue-light filtered lenses and wondered if you should upgrade your frames to include them. In addition to protecting your eyes when looking at your computer and other devices, blue-light filtered lenses can also help you get a more restful night of sleep.

To understand how they can do this, let’s explore the science behind the blue-light filter. 

The wavelengths of visible light captured by our eyes are translated into white light by our brains. Blue-light wavelengths have different effects on our bodies, including on sleep and alertness. 

During the day, blue-enriched light is desirable, because it helps to keep us alert. 

However, if you have too much direct exposure, it can disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep. A regular light-and-dark cycle is key to achieve and maintain good sleep.

Blue-light filtered lenses help to block these wavelengths so that you can watch a TV show or use your computer at night without your sleep becoming negatively impacted. 

If you struggle to fall asleep, consider getting blue-light filtered lenses, it could make a big difference! 

At the Optical Shop, we can help you select the right blue-light filtered lenses for your current frames, or a new pair from our amazing selection. Contact us (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment.

What to Look For When Buying Sunglasses

With summer right around the corner, you might be thinking of investing in a new pair of sunglasses. However, the sheer amount of options available out there can be overwhelming- what kind of sunglasses will provide sufficient sun protection? What style will look best on my face? Here is an idea of what to look for in your search for the right sunglasses:

1. Style

What style of sunglasses are you looking for? There are many options- aviator, round, square, and cat eye, to name a few. Check out each style of sunglasses and see how they look on your face. You might be surprised with what ones you like the best!

2. Size

Another factor to consider is the size of the frames you choose. Some people love the look of oversized sunglasses while others prefer smaller frames. It’s all a matter of personal preference, so we suggest you try out sunglasses of all sizes to decide!

3. UV Protection

Of course, UV protection is a must-have when buying a new pair of sunglasses. UV rays can do serious damage to your eyes, so make sure the UV protection in your new sunglasses is sufficient. 

  1. Color

For a long time, black was really the only color option for sunglasses. Of course, black is a classic, timeless color, but nowadays colorful frames are readily available. Consider a colorful pair to add a pop of color to your outfit!

At the Optical Shop, we have many different sunglasses options for you to choose from. Stop by today to check out our selection or contact us (203) 222-7870 or to make an appointment.

3 Ways to Optimize Your Screen Time and Eye Health

Do you find yourself spending more and more time looking at your phone or computer, either for work or personal reasons? Our society has become more dependent on technology than ever before, and our eyes can sometimes struggle to adapt to this increase in screen time. In this day and age, it’s important to regulate your screen time to preserve your eye health as you get older. Here are some ways that we try to strike that balance:

  1. Regulate your device display settings

Most screen monitors and smartphones have built-in settings that can help to protect your eyes. You can enable settings such as “Night Light/Blue Light Filter” within your display settings to reduce the amount of blue light your screen is emitting. This will reduce eye strain and fatigue through long working hours. You can also enable “reading mode” during the night hours and limit the brightness of your screen to keep your eyes comfortable. 

2. Take frequent screen breaks

This is a small but very effective practice that you can add to your routine. After 20 minutes of working, take a small break from looking at your computer screen and do something else. After a few minutes, you can return to looking at your screen. This will help give your eyes a break and create a healthy habit for your eye health. 

3. Put away the devices at night

It’s important to know when to log off. You might feel the urge to be on your phone or laptop before bed, but avoiding screens before you go to sleep is so important for your eye health and your sleep quality. For those reasons, try to put away the screens by at least 8 or 9 pm.

Focusing on creating healthy screen habits will make a big difference in your eye health and overall health, as well. If you’re looking for glasses with protective blue light lenses, we can do that for you here at the Optical Shop! Contact us (203) 222-7870 or to learn more about what we have to offer or to make an appointment.

3 Reasons Why It’s Important to Have Multiple Pairs of Prescription Glasses

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, right? When you require prescription glasses to carry out your daily tasks such as driving, walking, and working- being prepared is more important than ever. When the unexpected happens, you want to make sure you have a backup pair of glasses so that your vision is never jeopardized. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to own more than one pair of glasses:

1.Your glasses get bent, broken, or lost

Accidents happen, and unfortunately it is not uncommon for even the highest quality pair of glasses to break when stepped on, sat on, or dropped. You could be trying to clean the lenses on your glasses and scratch them by accident, making them hard to see out of. Or, you could misplace them while out and about. Whatever scenario you run into, it’s always smart to have a spare pair of glasses until you can get your broken pair repaired or replaced.

2. You depend on your glasses for work or sports

Safety glasses are required for many different occupations, making it important to have an extra pair of glasses in case something happens. If you play basketball, football, or another contact sport, it’s important to have a spare pair of glasses to keep your eyes protected. It’s amazing how many eye injuries could be prevented just by wearing protective eyewear!

3. You’re spending more time in front of a screen

Increased screen time has become a part of our daily lives, especially during the pandemic. As a part of your job, you might be doing several Zoom calls or FaceTime calls with friends and family. If your everyday pair of glasses doesn’t have lenses with blue light protection on them, you might consider getting a second pair that has blue light protection to reduce eye strain, blurred vision, and headaches.

If you’re considering purchasing additional pairs of glasses, you’ll find a wide range of brands and styles at our shop! Contact us (203) 222-7870 or to learn more about what we have to offer or to make an appointment.

The Positive Impact of Regular Exercise on Your Vision

Did you resolve to exercise more as a part of your 2022 new year’s resolutions? As we all know, regular exercise is incredibly beneficial to our overall health. However, exercise can also have a positive impact on our eye health and help us see better, for longer.  

Research suggests that regular physical activity may reduce your risk of developing serious eye diseases, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Many eye diseases are linked to other health problems that can be avoided by regular exercise, including high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Exercise is one of the more effective ways to prevent these health conditions and any resulting eye disease or damage. 

How are physical activity and eye health linked?

The link between your vision and physical activity centers around stress and damage from the environment. Free radicals can cause eye damage over time. Exercise counteracts this by helping your body combat these free radicals, and produce more antioxidants. In one study, regular treadmill exercise actually reversed negative changes in the eyes of mice. 

So overall, you have the power to reduce your risk of eye disease and associated vision problems by including regular exercise as a part of your lifestyle- not to mention all its other benefits!

 Of course, the type of exercise you do is dependent on your current health and physical mobility, so we encourage you to talk to your doctor about what type of exercise is best for you.

Contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or to learn more about eye care or to make an appointment.

What Does it Mean to Have 20/20 Vision?

Throughout our lives, we’ve all heard the term “20/20 vision” used in various contexts. We generally know that it means someone can see objects very clearly from 20 feet away, and might not need to wear glasses or contact lenses. 

In comparison, if you have 20/30 vision, it means your vision is worse than average. Twenty feet away, you can read letters most people see from 30 feet.

A person could also go the other way, and have 20/15 vision, which is sharper than average. If you have 20/15 vision, you can see objects at 20 feet that the average person can only see when they are 15 feet away. 

Fun fact: In most states, you need 20/40 vision or better for an unrestricted driver’s license. People are “legally blind” if their vision with glasses or contacts is 20/200 or worse.

However, a measurement of 20/20 or otherwise actually refers to visual acuity, which describes a person’s ability to see shapes and details. It is not the full measure of vision but rather a factor that is taken into consideration when evaluating a person’s ability to see. 

So what does it actually mean to have 20/20 vision?


Does it mean you have perfect eye health? Measurements of eyesight do not determine how healthy your eyes are. Therefore, even if you do have 20/20 vision, you could still have unhealthy eyes. For example, you could still develop glaucoma, which is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve. This is because vision loss caused by glaucoma affects peripheral vision, which is a different type of vision measurement. 

There are several factors taken into account when your vision is measured by your optometrist. These factors include the ability to see color, depth, perception, and your peripheral vision. This is why comprehensive eye exams are very important, as your eye health goes beyond the 20/20 vision test. 

Overall, having 20/20 vision is a good thing when it comes to seeing objects at a certain distance, but it doesn’t mean you have perfect vision and don’t have an eye condition. 

Not having 20/20 vision is often not something to worry about, either, because it just means you can’t see as well as others from 20 feet away, or that you might have nearsightedness, both of which can be easily corrected with prescription lenses. 

The goal of glasses or contacts is to bring a person’s vision to 20/20.

Make sure you get thorough eye exams every year to stay on top of your eye health and vision!

Contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or to learn more about proper eye care or to make an appointment.

The Top 5 Eye Care Myths- Debunked!

Chances are, you’ve probably heard one of the eye care myths on this list, or all of them, at least once. It’s easy to believe these myths, because they seem like they could be true. However, it is important to be aware that these are myths, and not actually true. We thought it would be helpful to debunk 5 of the most common eye care myths for our patients and community here at the Optical Shop. 

1) Eating carrots improves your eyesight

FALSE: This is probably one of the most common eye care myths out there! Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A, which is a vitamin that helps maintain good vision. However, carrots are not the only source of Vitamin A, nor will they improve poor eyesight or reduce your need for glasses if you eat them often. 

2) Looking at screens for a long time will damage your vision

FALSE: Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can make your eyes feel tired, but don’t worry, you are not doing any permanent damage. When you read on phones, tablets, and computer screens, you usually blink less often, which means your eyes get dry and feel strained. To reduce eye strain, just take some occasional breaks from the screen.

3) If a child sits close to the TV screen, it’s bad for their eyesight

FALSE: Although seeing your child sit close to the TV might be uncomfortable for you to see as their parent, rest assured that doing so won’t cause any permanent damage to their eyesight. 

4) If you cross your eyes, they’ll get stuck that way

FALSE: This myth is funny, and probably one you heard from Grandma growing up, but not at all true. The muscles of the eye allow them to move in all directions, and looking in one direction won’t cause them to get stuck in that place.

4) Sunglasses always protect your eyes from the sun

FALSE (but also can be true): The protection offered by your sunglasses depends on the type of lenses you have. While dark shades make it easier to see in bright light, these lenses are actually more harmful than wearing nothing at all because they make your pupils dilate. At the Optical Shop, all the sunwear we sell contains 100% UV protection, at no added cost since we feel it is so important! We also highly encourage you to consider getting blue light coating and anti reflective coatings on your lenses for added protection. 

Contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or to learn more about proper eye care or to make an appointment.

How to Clean Your Glasses- and What NOT to Do

Regularly cleaning your glasses is the most effective way to keep them in good condition. If you’re wearing them daily, you know how difficult it is to see through smudges and scratches on your lenses. It’s important to learn how to clean your glasses properly without damaging them- did you know that paper towels and hot water can scratch and irritate your lenses? Here is the best way to clean your glasses- and what to avoid doing:

1) Get a microfiber cloth or a lint-free towel

Microfiber cloths are great for cleaning glasses- the material dries the lenses effectively and also collects oils to prevent smearing. You can get a microfiber cloth online, or come into the Optical Shop and get one. These are made specifically to clean your glasses so we always recommend having a few around. If you don’t have one, you can also use a lint free towel, but do NOT use a paper towel or the edge of your shirt, as these materials can easily scratch your lenses. Also, make sure that you wash your microfiber cloth weekly to keep it clean and working its best. 

2) Use a safe cleaning solution or lukewarm tap water

Next, make sure to use a safe cleaning solution like a mild dish soap or a glasses cleaning spray (we have these available at the Optical Shop as well!). If you don’t have any cleaning solution available, you can use lukewarm tap water (do NOT use hot water as it can damage some lens coatings. We also recommend NOT using any alcohol based cleansers.

3) Gently clean the lenses, rinse thoroughly and dry with the cloth

Gently clean both sides of the lens, and the entire eyeglasses frame for a few seconds. Make sure you clean each part carefully and don’t rub too hard. Then, shake the eyeglasses to remove most of the water and dry with the proper cloth. Inspect the lenses for any remaining streaks or smudges. Then you should be good to go!

If you need a microfiber cloth or glasses cleaning spray, we’ve got everything you need at the Optical Shop! Following these simple tips will keep your glasses scratch free and prolong their longevity, ensuring that you are seeing clearly for years to come.

Contact the Optical Shop at Westport at (203) 222-7870 or to get your eyeglasses cleaning supplies or to make an appointment.